
Branch Dues

Montgomery ASCE Branch dues are $10 a year and must be paid in October, the beginning of the fiscal year. These dues must be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer at the monthly meetings. For an individual to be a voting member, they must have current dues paid in full. The branch dues assist with the monthly operations of the branch and also contribute to the Annual Scholarship.

National Dues

The American Society of Engineers is a Professional Organization consisting of over 145,000 annual members. Your ASCE membership is a career investment. Whether you’re just out of college, are newly licensed, have a lifetime of accomplishments, or are anywhere in between, ASCE helps you grow professionally.

Whether it’s exciting the next generation of engineers, reaching out to developing communities, or connecting with local ASCE members, participating in the ASCE community illuminates the purpose of your work. Look to ASCE for the tools and exposure you need to become a complete engineer, ready to advance the integrity and impact of our profession. Online, in person, and in print, ASCE ensures that you have access to knowledge so you can perform at your highest potential.

To join the American Society of Engineers, Click here to Sign up today!

With a full membership, you will receive “Civil Engineering” the award-winning monthly flagship magazine of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Established in 1930, Civil Engineering appeals to a broad range of readers who represent the full spectrum of civil engineering disciplines: architectural, structural, geotechnical and geoenvironmental, transportation, coastal, environmental, and water resources. Reaching an audience of more than 140,000 civil engineers worldwide, this magazine has the largest circulation in the engineering market and provides a compelling editorial mix of engineering projects and trends, engineering science, business and professional strategies, exploration of key issues, and news.

Recent College Graduates

Are you a recent college graduate? ASCE provides a reduction in membership dues for the first 5 years of your professional career. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent 4 year degree recipients are provided a sliding dues scale based on degree date. All members of ASCE may join one (1) of ASCE’s Institutes for FREE.

Life Members

December 13, 2016 – Life Member Group Attendees
Pictured left to right: Don Vaughn, Jack Caraway, David Ramsey, 2016 Inductee – Ralph Davis, and Terry Wofford

To be eligible for Life Member, individuals in the grade of Fellow, Member, Associate Member, or Affiliate

  • shall have reached the age of 65 years AND
  • shall have paid dues in any membership grade except Student Member for at least thirty-five (35) years AND
  • shall have had at least ten (10) years continuous membership immediately preceding the attainment of Life Member

In Honor of those members who have advanced to Life Member status in the society and in recognition of their career achievements. Click here to view the Alabama Section Life Members.


  • David Cooper
  • Ronald Windham


  • Don T. Arkle
  • Robert G. Lee


  • Joe Eichelberg
  • Thomas Friday
  • John McCarthy
  • David Reed


  • Ralph Davis


  • Donald Vaughn


  • Gordon Davis


  • Billy Carwile


  • William (Fred) Conway


  • James (Terry Wofford
  • Lynn Blackburn


  • James Davis
  • James (David) Ramsey


  • George Goodwyn
  • Jack Caraway


  • William McAteer


  • Robert Kratzer


  • John Bullard
  • Emmett Walker