Report Card for Alabama’s Infrastructure Has Arrived!
To raise awareness about Alabama’s infrastructure needs, ASCE has released the inauguralASCE 2015 Report Card for Alabama’s Infrastructure on December 10th modeled after the ASCE’s Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. Using a simple A to F school report card format, Alabama’s Report Card provides a comprehensive assessment of current infrastructure conditions and needs, assigning grades and making recommendations for how to raise the grades. Whether you download the brochure for a quick overview or read thefull report, the Report Card reveals a lot about Alabama’s infrastructure that most people wouldn’t know. The 11 major categories included in the 2015 Alabama State Report Card are: aviation, energy, ports, rail, bridges, wastewater, inland waterways, roads, dams, drinking water, and transit. The grades and summaries of what was found are listed below. If you’d like further information on this Report Card or want to request a speaker for an event, simply email us at