March 2025 Branch Meeting / Tour

On Wednesday, March 12, 2025, the Montgomery Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) organized an insightful tour of the Vulcan Materials Company Quarry, situated in the town of Loachapoka, Alabama. This engaging tour provided participants with an in-depth understanding of the intricate processes involved in the extraction and production of aggregates. Attendees had the opportunity to observe firsthand the state-of-the-art machinery and techniques employed in the quarry, gaining valuable knowledge about how these essential materials are transformed into the construction aggregates used in various civil engineering applications, from roadways to infrastructure projects.

We would like to express our gratitude to Vulcan Materials Company for their warm hospitality and for allowing our branch the privilege of visiting their facility. Their commitment to excellence in materials production was evident, and we left the tour with a deeper appreciation for the vital role aggregates play in our industry.

2025 Alabama Section Winter Meeting

The ASCE Alabama Section is thrilled to invite you to the 2025 Winter Meeting hosted by the Dothan Branch, scheduled for March 20th, 2025, at the Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center at 2461 E. Burdeshaw Street, Dothan, AL.

This year’s conference will be packed with valuable sessions, networking opportunities, and exciting giveaways. To top it off, we’ll end the day with a guided tour of the Wiregrass Public Safety Center (WPSC)—a 23-acre, $23 million, state-of-the-art facility designed for police, fire, and emergency medical training. CLICK HERE to Learn more about the WPSC.

8th Annual Civil Engineer Legislative Day

The 8th Annual Alabama Civil Engineering Legislative Day Drive-In will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at the Alabama Department of Archives & History and Alabama State House in Montgomery, Alabama. The Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the American Council of Engineer Companies (ACEC) of Alabama are teaming up to host the event! We plan to meet at the Department of Archives and History at 10:00 a.m., receive Legislative Briefing with Lunch (provided), then visit the State House. Senator Clyde Chambliss, P.E. and other Representatives will be speaking to the group about the legislative issues facing the State of Alabama and bills affecting Civil Engineers.

Unlike our typical meetings, an accurate count of attendees is necessary due to lunch being provided. If you would like to attend, please RSVP with Taylor Janney at no later than Friday, April 4, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you there!

9th Annual Industry Leaders Panel Discussion with Auburn University Student Chapter

On November 5, 2024, the Montgomery Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) hosted its 9th Annual Industry Leaders Q&A Panel Discussion in collaboration with Auburn University’s American Society of Civil Engineers. The event attracted over 50 attendees, including students, faculty, staff, and industry professionals. Brad Williams, Region 5 Governor for the Alabama Section, kicked off the session by welcoming students and moderating the panel discussion.

The panel featured the following distinguished professionals:
Wesley Sanders, P.E. – Volkert, Inc.
Chad Friday ,P.E. – Conecuh Bridge & Engineering, Inc.
Matt Leverette, P.E. – Alabama Department of Transportation
Sydney Metzler, P.E. – Alabama Department of Transportation
Kevin Kane, P.E. – Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC

The lively and insightful discussion provided valuable guidance to students on a range of topics, including professional advice, civil engineering coursework, internship opportunities, licensure, interpersonal skills, and career development. Students were encouraged to ask questions in an open, supportive environment, making the panel both engaging and beneficial for all involved.

2024 Golf Tournament

On Monday, September 16, 2024, the Montgomery Branch of ASCE hosted its Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at the Arrowhead Country Club in Montgomery, AL. This event featured 23 teams and garnered support from multiple sponsors. We would like to recognize our sponsors for their contributions and the support from all the players, students, and volunteers who were responsible for making the 2nd Annual Ramsey Ashmore Memorial Golf Tournament an overwhelming success.

We would especially like to express our heartfelt appreciation towards the Ashmore family for honoring us with their presence and for allowing the Montgomery Branch of ASCE to dedicate this special event to the memory of one of our Past Presidents, Ramsey Ashmore.

The funds that this tournament raises will be used for the annual scholarship fund. These scholarships will be provided by the Montgomery Branch to high school seniors in the River Region (Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes and Montgomery Counties) that are planning on enrolling in Civil Engineering.

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Montgomery Branch Awards over $7,500 in Scholarships to Local Students

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, the Montgomery Branch of ASCE granted over $7,000 in Annual Scholarship Awards in recognition of three exceptional high school students from the River Region. These students not only demonstrated exceptional academic achievements but also a dedication to leadership and community service.

The special recognition took place during the Montgomery Branch’s April monthly meeting, where attendees had the pleasure of hearing from the Auburn University Student Chapter about their experience at the 2024 Gulf Coast Student Symposium. It was a well-attended event with members of the Branch, Board of Directors, Auburn University student chapter, proud parents, and special guests in attendance.

The three scholarship recipients were Mr. Christopher Chin (LAMP), Mr. Thomas Jones (Hooper Academy), and Mr. Michael Dillard (Wetumpka). All recipients will be pursuing Civil Engineering degrees in the upcoming Fall semester.

The Board of Directors of the Montgomery Branch would like to extend their sincere gratitude to our members, sponsors, and volunteers for making this event possible. It is our hope that by recognizing and supporting these young engineering prospects, we can continue to inspire and encourage the future generation to pursue the Civil Engineering profession.

Montgomery Branch Sets the Bar High at the 2024 Winter Meeting

The Montgomery Branch of ASCE set the bar high when it hosted the 2024 ASCE Alabama Winter Meeting at the prestigious Tiger Walk Suites at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, Alabama. With over 165 attendees from across the State of Alabama, this year’s Winter Meeting was the largest to date and featured an impressive lineup of educational and interactive presentations. Attendees were also treated to a tour of the massive Jumbotron, making it an unforgettable experience. The success of the event was made possible by the generous support of numerous sponsors and exhibitors, without whom it would not have been possible. We look forward to seeing you in Dothan in 2025.

Click here to see photos, presentations, and more…

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Tour of Thurlow Dam

On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, the Montgomery Branch of ASCE conducted a tour of the Thurlow Dam and Hydroelectric Generating Plant in Tallassee, Alabama. The Thurlow Dam, owned and operated by Alabama Power Company, is one of the first hydroelectric dams built in the State of Alabama with construction completed in 1930 on the Tallapoosa River. The dam was named in honor of Oscar G. Thurlow, a chief engineer, vice president and director of Alabama Power Company. Here are some cool facts about Thurlow Dam. The dam is 1,846 feet long with a maximum height of 62 feet. The dam is made of over 150,000 cubic yards of concrete. It operates 3 hydraulic turbines that can discharge 1,706,000 gallons per minute per unit.

📷 Credits: Michael Hora


The 7th Annual Alabama Civil Engineering Legislative Day Drive-In was held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the Alabama Department of Archives & History and Alabama State House in Montgomery, Alabama. The Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Council of Engineer Companies (ACEC) of Alabama, the Alabama Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ALSITE) teamed up to host the event!  Senator Clyde Chambliss, P.E. and Representative Cynthia Almond spoke to the group about the legislative issues facing the State of Alabama and bills affecting Civil Engineers.  At the conclusion of the event, attendees visited with their legislators in order to engage them about infrastructure!

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2023 Outstanding Web Award for Small Sections and Branches

The Montgomery Branch of ASCE is excited to announce that the branch website was selected by the ASCE Leader Training Committee to be awarded the 2023 Outstanding Branch Website Award for Small Sections and Branches. The website was voted #1 out of 140 Small Sections and Branches. It is a great team effort by the leadership of the Montgomery Branch to produce such great content! This is the 5th time in 8 years that the branch website has been selected as the best.  The award will be official presented on Friday January 26 at the 2024 Regions 1, 2, 4, & 5 Multi Region Leadership Conference in Miami, Florida.

Alabama Section of ASCE Releases Infrastructure Report Card

On Thursday, March 31, the Alabama Section of ASCE unveiled its 2022 Report Card for Alabama’s Infrastructure, the state’s first report card since 2015. The report assigned the state’s systems a cumulative grade of “C-”, which is on par with the national grade of “C-“ and the same grade the state received in its 2015 report. A “C-” grade means the state’s infrastructure is in mediocre condition and requires attention.

The report analyzes 12 categories of infrastructure pertinent to Alabama: aviation (C), bridges (C+), dams (Incomplete), drinking water (C-), energy (B), inland waterways (D), ports (B), rail (B), roads (C-), stormwater (D+), transit (C-) and wastewater (D). Alabama Report Card co-chair Joe Meads, P.E., presented the findings in the report to an in-person audience at the Alabama Department of Archives & History in Montgomery, AL. Alabama Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth and state Senator Clyde Chambliss, who is also an engineer and ASCE member, provided remarks about the state of infrastructure in Alabama.

For more information on the report card, visit

FY2025 Calendar of Events for Montgomery Branch